Things we think are Icky in the United States of Plenty
Cement floors are the norm here. No rugs, no wooden floors.
Wet cement floors are quit uncomfortable.
Mosquitoes are vengeful bitters. Can not see them but you sure can feel them.
Malaria is rampet. The local people take it for granted they are just going to have to live with it. They have pills to help them get well faster but not to keep from getting it. There are not mosquito nets at the school where I live. I slather myself with mosquito repellent every day along with my sun block.
Electricity going out every day or so. One learns to dance around it with charging all the devices we in America are addicted to. We also learn how to keep these devices from frying when there is an electrical charge.
There is no such thing as a fast computer here. It is either dial up or motems which are just as slow. There is no Wi Fi here.
No good tools with which to cultivate gardens or mow the grass. Gardens are cultivated and weeds removed with big heavy hoes by the students at the school. There is not even a push mower here. They use sickles, big and small to swish, swish, swish their way across the large lawn. Also the students come out every morning and pick up everything that has dropped on the lawn from the trees so that everything looks perfect every day.
Riding on dirt roads with really big holes after a rain and no room for ones feet.
No running water All water is carried in by the girl students every day. Hot water for my bath in the tiny stand up tub every morning. Cold water to flesh our toilet every day. Boiled water to drink.
Washing clothes with no washer or dryer. The students get our cloths on Saturday and wash them by hand in a bucket and hang them out to dry.
Fish with heads on. I have seen enough of them. They even have a sardine that is very tiny (one inch long) that you put on your plate by the hundreds. They eat very little vegetables and a lot of starch. Potatoes, plantains, yams, rice sometimes all at the same meal.
Bugs in ones hat. I put my hat on the other day and felt something crawling on my heat. Hat and bug went flying as I let out a yell. It was a harmless beetle but still I dislike it crawling on my head.
When you think that you need more or do not have enough think of how these people live. And they are a lot more joyful and happy then most of us our. I would like to bottle their joyful laughter.
I have pictures but I can not get them to download here in town at the computer cafe. Will try later.
Friday, May 31, 2013
Tuesday, May 28, 2013
Moma Lidia From The Orphanage
A very tiney woman has been to visit us several times. She comes dressed in a traditional konga wrapped skirt, large draping scarf cascading from her shoulders. and a turbin head covering. All fabrics are in many bright wonderfull colors and patterns making her look even tinier.
Lidia works at the baby orphanage helping to take care of the babies. The baby orphanage is about a half miles down the dirt road heading back to Bakoba. At the present time there are around twenty-five babies there. Babies are brought to the orphanage when the mother has died and the father, extended family, or village can not take care of them. A lot of times it is because the mother has Aids and no medical care and has passed away from that. This mesns tht the babies could very well be HIV possitive when they arrive.
It is hard work taking care of these babies and the staff is quite small. Maybe four or five at the most to cover a twenty-four hour period of time. Hard to hold all the babies when they need to be held with so few arms.
Lidia works all night every night to care for the babies. She has been working at the orphanage since 1975. She makes 1800 tish per month. That is $1.08 in american money per month.
Lidia is getting old and knows she will not be able to work for many more years. She wants to build a house for herself back in her home village. She would then have a place to go where her family will be around her.
The house Lidia wants to build is nothing like what we know as a house. She want three rooms in it. The whole house would probably fit inside of a space smaller then 20x20 feet. There would be no running water. No toilets, no electricity. She wants doors and windows that she can close in her house also.
In american dollars it will cost $5000 to build her house. Lidia has been saving half of her monthly wage to build her house for quite some time. That is she is saving 900 tish a month, which is 54 cents. You do he math. At 54 cents a month how long will it take her to save up the $5000. By the way that is 3,800,000 tish.
This is the norm not the exception here.
Saturday, May 25, 2013
Thurday May 23
This morning we woke up to the "tricker treat-tricker treat-tricker treat bird. We had freshed squeezed pinapple, orange, and papia juice. Yum! We ate hard boiled eggs and fresh bread. While we were eating we heard loud singing and music playing outdoors. It was the Chior from the church. They were recording in the yard next door. All dressed up and singing and dancing to church music at eight thirty in the morning. What a treat. I tried to record it so we will see what has happened.
I could not get on the internet tonight even though we had borrowed a motem. Just not enough bars comming in on the motem to bring ineither the gmail or my blog. That is the way it is here.
So onward. I will write for the blog (for the third time tonight because I lost the last two before I could save it.)
Tuesday I taught a class in watercolor. They learned the what primary and secondary colors were and how to mix them. Some of them were so excited that thy could now mix there own paint colors that they kept going for two hours mixing and documenting their paints. Then they could paint anything they wanted to.
Wed. Carolee and I had a driver take us to Bakoba to shop. The only paper the children have seen was there note book paper with lines on it. In watercolor class I had brought some very good paper for them. On Thursday I taught drawing so we did not need good paper. I found decent printing paper for computers and I bought a whole bunch of that. I learned from a teacher (Mr. Roberts) that he wanted the students to learn about print making. So I am scrounging card board and found twine rope in town, With the white paint I found in town and the pigment I brought from home we will cobble together a printmaking class for next week. Sat. I am going to have an open studio so all the students who did not get to work with watercolors or learn drawing will have chance to come and try it out.
Tomorrow We are going to Ndologe Hospital. I am going to try and start a mural in the childrens area. Hopefully I will be able to get back and get it painted.
This morning we woke up to the "tricker treat-tricker treat-tricker treat bird. We had freshed squeezed pinapple, orange, and papia juice. Yum! We ate hard boiled eggs and fresh bread. While we were eating we heard loud singing and music playing outdoors. It was the Chior from the church. They were recording in the yard next door. All dressed up and singing and dancing to church music at eight thirty in the morning. What a treat. I tried to record it so we will see what has happened.
I could not get on the internet tonight even though we had borrowed a motem. Just not enough bars comming in on the motem to bring ineither the gmail or my blog. That is the way it is here.
So onward. I will write for the blog (for the third time tonight because I lost the last two before I could save it.)
Tuesday I taught a class in watercolor. They learned the what primary and secondary colors were and how to mix them. Some of them were so excited that thy could now mix there own paint colors that they kept going for two hours mixing and documenting their paints. Then they could paint anything they wanted to.
Wed. Carolee and I had a driver take us to Bakoba to shop. The only paper the children have seen was there note book paper with lines on it. In watercolor class I had brought some very good paper for them. On Thursday I taught drawing so we did not need good paper. I found decent printing paper for computers and I bought a whole bunch of that. I learned from a teacher (Mr. Roberts) that he wanted the students to learn about print making. So I am scrounging card board and found twine rope in town, With the white paint I found in town and the pigment I brought from home we will cobble together a printmaking class for next week. Sat. I am going to have an open studio so all the students who did not get to work with watercolors or learn drawing will have chance to come and try it out.
Tomorrow We are going to Ndologe Hospital. I am going to try and start a mural in the childrens area. Hopefully I will be able to get back and get it painted.
Monday, May 20, 2013
Ntoma Vocational School
The land here is undulating, and grassy with clumps of trees. Many many banana trees and surprisingly a variety of fur trees are everywhere. There re several types of banana. The smallest are the sweetest ones. The bananas are given as gifts when people meet and visit here.
Relationships and greeting are very importanct in Tanzania. There is a whole conversation of greeting that is had before anyone sits down to have a conversation.
Lake Victoria is down a very large hill from the school. It is five miles winding up this hill on a red dirt road from Bakoba. The road had many ruts and large whole that all the drivers wind around from side to side. The school is made up of many building and about 6 houses where the staff lives. No running water because all of the water storage tanks have cracks in them and no one knows how to fix them.
We are in a little two bedroom house. The floors are cement. There is no air conditioning, windows are opened with screens all over the house. There is a nice breeze all of the time. There are banana, avocado, and papia trees outside our are windows.
We arrived here on .Thursday and have spent the rest of the last week resting from our trip. We have also been building relationships with the staff and the students here. There are 105 youth in the vocational school. They are being taught skills in restaurants work, hotel work, office work, cooking and sewing.
They are all excited about learning art of any kind. They are really exited about the computers. Communication here is very hard. They do not have what we call wifi. They have modems.
they also do not have electricity all the time. We had an outage last night that lasted all night. They are predicting that there is going to be another one today. So I am working fast to finish this. When the power is on we plug things in to try and juice everything up fast.
Coondi (the chef for the school) took me to Bkoba Saturday so I could exchange money and use the internet cafe to email out. A young German woman who is teaching here for a year went with us. Bakoba is about as big as Lebanon, Ohio (100,000 people). The downtown is easily walked if you have good shoes and strong legs. It was all a lot of fun. Nothing is flat. There are cement water run off ditches everywhere you have to step or leap across, depending on how wide they are. No constant steps up or down. Everything is cobbled together from what was available when they built the street we were waking on.
We went to two banks and the lines were very long in both of them. Our German teacher said that we could exchange money at the white mans grocery store. So that is what we did. Coonda made sure I was not cheated and we were all happy. They white man's grocery is run my and Indian and is about 20x20 feet squire. It sells a lot of brands we know at a very high price.
We then went to the outdoor market. It has many many little booths that do not look like they could stand but do and they are full of every kind of fruit and vegatable you can imagine. Mounds of green bananas that were cut from the trees and are attached still to the huge stalks. They are all so close together that it is hard to go down the middle of them. Everyone is telling you about there products, of course. everyone is dressed in wonderful African clothes with bright colors fabrics and designs.
The food is quite differant then we have at home. A lot of the fish are dried and then ooked. Lot of the vegitables are stir fried. They eat way more carbs at a meal then we are used to. Sometimes we are not able to eat all they give us. Our kitcheon does not work so they bring food to us three times a day. They bring us juices everyday. They are freshed squized and yummy. Freshed sqeezed pinaple juice is the best.
I will end now and tell you about the church service next time. Plus I want to try and do pictures also.
Love to all for now.
Saturday, May 18, 2013
First Impressions
After a very long an arduous trip that included two stops and three planes we landed in Entebbe, Uganda on Wed. at noon. Thanks to a very kind young Ugandan women we had litte trouble getting through customs and retreaving our luggage.
Father Fredric met us at the entrance with another Father and a sister. They had brought a truck with a back seat. The luggage was all wrapped and tied in the back and we all piled into the vehicle. Carolee, the nun and I were but check to but check in the back seat. I had my backpack on my lap because ther was no other room for it.
There is a feast of experiances going on as you travel around by car in Ugand and Tanzania. First they have the steering wheel on the right side of the car and drive on the left side of the road, most of the time, or should I say quite a bit of the time.
The streets are pretty much only two lanes but seems to not matter. I think that I would not of been as calm at I was if I had been setting in the front seat. We seemed to fly down the road swerving around other slow large vehicles, people on moter bikes, bicykles and walkers The problem is that the vehiles coming toward you are doing the same thing. So quit a bit of the time you are facing several cars, trucks and motor bikes coming right at you. Everyone seems to be able to sort themselves out getting around each other before the next layer of vehicles come at you.
Add to this experiance the outdoor markets that are open everywhere you are trveling on all the roads. It is like all the stores have been turned inside out. The bright color of the merchndise, the clothes that people are wearing, the kinds and veriaty of all that is for sale just a few feet from us as we make our road dance with the cars heading at us,
Now add to this that they use cows and goats to eat the grass because there are no lawn mowers. They do not need them. They have cows and goats to eat there grass. And the cows have big giant horns which they are fliping around when they move there head right next to the vehicle you are in driving down the road dodging the cars, trucks, motor cycle and people coming straight at you trying to get around slow moving everything else but you.
The roads in Unganda are mostly paved. Where they are not we travel on gravel roads and red dirt roads that hae lots of big holes in that you wonder how the vehicle that you are traveling in can even not fall in them, except I think we are flying over them.
Crossing the border was quit interesting. We were met there by the Asistant to the Bishop of Northwestern Synod of the Lutheran Church of Tanzania, his wife and a a jeep.
The road at the border was not paved. It had rained, the road is packed red mud and it was a forist of semi's lined up to cross in both directions. We weaved are way around the big vehicles trying to stay out of the big holes in the road.
We had to stop on the Uganda side, fill out paperwork and be approved to leave . Then we walked across the border while our vehicle traversed between the big trucks and entered the building for Tanzania. We fild out the information on the Tanzanian side had everything approved and had our fingureprints didgitally taken. I had that done three times in twenty-four hours. Interesting!
We then found place to have to two vehicles park so the luggage can be transfered from the truck to the top of the jeep. Then we all five piled into the jeep and finished the trip to the vocational school.
I am having a great amount of trouble getting on the computer and the phone.. trying to work them out. Please share with Paul so he can also share with the rest of my family. Got lots to tell.
Next will be about the school and the people.
love sharen
Saturday, May 4, 2013
The journey begins.
On a journey to what I do not know I do not know.
I was once at a self improvement workshop where I was told the three truths we live in. We live in what we know that we know. We live in what we know we do not know. And we live in what we do not know that we do not know.
In a weeks I will be traveling on a journey where I will be in the throws of not knowing anything that I have thought I knew. How people think, what they eat, how they cook, even the act of acceptance of me by their culture and religions are areas I have never been exposed to.
Surprise! Life is to change for the six weeks I will be in Tanzania. The languages that I will be surrounded with, the music I will be hearing, the salutations and show of respect that people show each other will be new and different. All I have read, all I have been told is only a small part of what I need to know.
I do know that the pace of doing anything will be a lot slower then I am used to. My way of do, do do, get it done now fast pace of living is sorely going to be clobbered. All of what I am thinking I will be achieving will probably not happen. So what am I doing going someplace where I seem to not have any control of my environment? How I can teach, even what will teach? Don't ask me. Ask God.
I always wanted to go to Africa and serve people. I know I can serve people here where I live. I do that everyday. It is easy. I do believe God wants me to challenge myself. I know it must seem totally nuts for God to challenge me at 69 years old.
Well, you have to admit it does sound incomprehensibly fabulous to be able to go and teach art in Africa. This, to me, is a love gift from God to me. It is easy to say yes to do something that uses ones passions. Glorifying God making and teaching art is my passions.
I will be updating everyone on my blog about my trip. You will have to bare with me and all my mistakes I do not catch before you read what I say. My beloved Glee, who always corrected my writing will be back here thousands of miles away from me.
So here I go.
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